Drifting at Night Animation

In the process of creating my upcoming short film, I decided to tackle this car scene I had in mind for a while. If you are interested, you can find the WIP page here.

My goal above all was to create a realistic car animation. This plugin helped me get all the tools I need to get as close as possible of that goal.

Watch in 4k please :point_down:

After export from Blender, After Effects was used to add lens dirt, lens flares and water droplets. Davinci Resolve was here I color graded and added more lens/camera artifacts like film grain, anamorphic lens distortion and halation and of course sound design.

If you are curious about the short film… well… it might still take some time until it’s done but I figured I would scene some of the scenes as I create them.


It’s very cinematic and realistic.


This looks fantastic


Thank you Calvin. That’s the best comment I can read :grinning:

Thank you Jonathan :pray: :pray:

This is pretty awesome. Amazing work!

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Thank you! I would have loved to add a bit more detail (spraying water from the tires) but ran out of time for this scene…

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Those splashes from the puddles to the lens was a nice touch, insane.
I enjoyed the sound too, the feels.

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I featured you on BlenderNation, have a great weekend!

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Really appreciate it Bart. Have an awesome weekend!

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A simple compositing trick that takes the final animation to the next level. It’s done in AE but I’m happy to share it with the community.