Drink to that!!!!!

Inspired mostly by Olaf, thanks buddy. C&C very very welcome. This is my third peice, i’m very new… I need em ( C&C’s that is)

i like it !!

hahaha very funny. What was the render time?

It’s good just the way it is. Great piece of poster/commercial art.

In fact, I feel positively inspired by it. Inspired to have a brewskie. :smiley:

hi karan…

nice work, but please make a smaller image (thumbnail) and a link to another bigger one, the image doesn’t fit most screens, not even mine, even if I have 19" @1280x1024

just as a tip for future :wink:

Yes! Let’s all drink to that! Nice render.

Like the words, LOVE the color composition and absolutely detest the glass. Too many confusing polygon things going on, this is beer not Scotch.

:stuck_out_tongue: “Opens up a beer and pounds it”
"Your 100% right,why be selfish. Great Render! "

Good idea (your concept & to drink a beer) :wink: and a nice image. But isn’t this a whisky glass? :o

the poems cool but no offence the glass needs work