Thanks, yea I was split if reducing the roughness, making him more shining. However I decided to go matte as looking at robotic machines like Boston Dynamics and the army stuff tend to be like that. I may try reducing it. @Ratchet
Thanks @1-foxrenderfarm, it took a while as I worked on it during very little spare time with an average of 1h per week since October 2019. Also this included the r&d for the workflow.
I also found that using just modifiers on rough poly models gives a pretty decent base for hard surface parts in Blender. Much simpler in fact than trying to sculpt everything from a sphere.
@Ionflux thanks! Actually my first step of designing the character is done with a rough sculpture. After that I build the final geometry from scratch on top of it. Yes, also I found that modifiers gives you flexibility to explore different solutions pretty quickly.
@masterxeon1001 cheers, and yes I am finally back enjoying the craft, especially with Eevee and the procedural tools.