Drop down list, filtering and key input


My few cents to 2.80: just excercise moving camera on path and noticed
it would really speed up workflow if on a drop-down list where I have to assign eg. Track-to Empty object
typing FIRST LETTER of type name would narrow choice or point ont that list directly within proper group.
Maybe Iam not clear enough: Theres lots of object on drop-down list but if i type E - it points me directly
to a group of objects with their name starting with 'E" /here: EMPTY/…

When you got many objects it takes much focus and time to find proper one…
What do you think?

We have options to control filtering in outliner.
But it is true that elsewhere an appropriate filtering requires to type at least 2 letters.

I think it depends of context.
It is not same thing to filtering objects in a list with a naming convention using suffixes and filtering in a list with a naming convention using prefixes.

Honestly, It doesn’t bother me to type 2 letters.
But I understand that people would like to have a user preference for that.

Well, afaik it usually goes about prefixes - as you begin typing a word with…
But anyway - if not hard to implement it would ease workflow significantly imho…