
Made this one with Blender 2.81 and a bit of 82. I wanted to try to make a layered material, like an old wood with paint over it.
Rendered with Eevee.
Hope you like it!


It’s awesome !
Was it vertex-painting ?

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Thanks, Valentin!
No, it was made with texture painting. I used quad remesh to make a lower res model, baked normal map, pointiness and AO from the high poly to the low poly, and then applied the textures.

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You’re on the #featured row! :+1:

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Awesome work here! BTW, did you intentionally base this off Prince Charles? I don’t mean anything derogatory by that, but I just can’t unsee it!

This is amazing. The black and white one is one hell of a portrait! Congratulations.

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hahaha! no no! I Didn’t get an specifc reference for this one.

Thanks! Glad you like it!

nice textures!

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I just "really, really like this character." Unlike so very many ventures into this space, this fellow looks … “weathered.” Not lke something out of Lord of the Rings nor Harry Potter, but instead what an actual person who has just spent his life being a Druid – and who now idly wonders just why you’re sticking a digital camera into his face – might actually look like.

Best of all, “IMHO, every one of the various perspectives that you present of him” – at least, all of those which in some way show his face – portrays a very different and yet very compelling, dramatic, perspective.


Great work, congrats.

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Beautiful words! Thank you so much for sharing your profound view of the piece. I am really glad.

For sculpting, around 2 or 3 nights. But I kept playing around with materials during one week or maybe a bit more, I didn’t work on it everyday. I tried using 3dcoat for texturing, but after giving up, I tried to simplify things and do everything inside Blender. I was happy with the result!

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NIce one! I especially like the texturing and shading. I only miss some polished stone or glossy marbels for the eyes. It probably could give the bust some life. Other than that, very cool piece of work :wink:

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I featured you on BlenderNation, have a great weekend!

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You were featured in the ‘Best of Blender Artists 2019’ on Blender Artists :clap: Thank you so much for your contribution, and have a great 2020!

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