Dublin, Crampton Court | Short Blender Animation


I’m new to posting on this website but I’ve been a fan for quite a while now. There are so many fantastic pieces of work here!

I’ve been using Blender for some years now mainly just to make fairly simple visuals. I wanted to take what I’ve learned and go a step further and make animations and visuals more creatively.

This animation is of an alleyway behind the Olympia Theatre in Dublin Ireland. I was looking to make something straight forward enough and an alleyway seemed to be just that. I learned so much and I’ve much… much more to learn!

99% is modeled by me, what isn’t, is from hdri haven
Textures are from hdri haven and ambientcg.com



I featured you on BlenderNation, have a great weekend!

Whoops, I posted the wrong link. Frrrriiday!

Thanks very much, appricate that! :slight_smile: