Duke Nukem Pistol

Hey, I’ve been working on this for the past two weeks or so. Modelled in Blender 2.49. Rendered in X-Normal. It’s a next-gen model of the old Duke Nukem 3D game sprite of Duke’s pistol.

EDIT: Latest images:
and a map sampler :smiley:

There is a WIP thread up at Polycount.

This is what the original game sprite looked like:

Here is the Next Gen replacement:

I like it!!! But, what’s the little hole below the main chamber for?


And I just noticed that it has two triggers! Fun!

EDIT: Whoops. I think that’s the trigger safety?

Hi, i dont think thats a hole. It’s probably the end of the guide rod for the return spring mechanism.

Nice model Tea_Monster! (are you using any bump textures for “9mm” sign and the holder?)

He is using a tangent space normalmap for the whole model, if you take a look in the WIP thread.

My thoughts:

There are a couple of spots you could probably optimize a bit further on the mesh, but nothing critical, like the front of the slide and the tip of the laser sight. Perhaps just my personal preference.

As for material definition, I think the grip looks like it should have a rubber coating(or plastic like appearance), but instead you have this “painted metal with scratches”-thing going on in there.

Aside from those two points, I like it.

Oh and by the way, which game engine is this going into?

It looks great, I miss AO passes though. baked in the texture, nice lowpoly also. great work.

Thanks! I’m using a Tangent Space normal map (baked in X-Normal). I’m also using an AO pass, but baked into the texture. There is a detail texture (for the grip detail and the ‘USA 9mm’). The model is going into the original Duke 3D engine, but one of our coders (‘Plagman’) has been working with the source code and we now have per-pixel lighting and othernext-gen goodness :RocknRoll:

Thinking about it, I do think that the handle would benefit from a different material. I’ll work something up later today and update the thread.

Yeah, that’s the safety on the front of the trigger.

Dude I ilke this a lot! One thing I found especially well done is the fact you didn’t scratch up the textures so much to try to make it look real (you know people often overdo the beat-up-ness) excellent work!

Thanks very much! I’ve done some updating, learned a lot about smoothing groups and exporting them from Blender. I’ve darkened the grip and given it a different texture. I’ll do some detail work and I’ll post up the new screens and some texture map samples.

I remember…

What are you waitin’ for, Christmas?

Here are the new images and a sample of the maps that I used. Thanks for all your comments!


I liked the old render better.