I’m posting this as a new thread, because after looking at the post again, I don’t think this picture even belongs in that thread! The thing is, I can’t really articulate what’s wrong with it except for some overall ‘flatness’ to the walls, and the way they touch the floor seems wrong somehow, and the floor …
Light from the flame?
In this scene I think the main light should be the flame, and a low level of Environment lighting. With the point light illuminating the flame and pillar thing it looks a bit weird.
Looking good though
If by “interesting” you really mean anything other than ‘pathetic,’ then I’ll take it! Those fire tutorials helped a lot to understand what I need to do. I haven’t done it yet, cause I’ma watch 'em again, but I did try your other tips, also from sdfgsdfg. It looks a lot better already. Thank you both.
F’rinstance, the Suzanne-head poles and the plank with the vases on it both have the same wood texture, and both come off looking like some sort of stone. What’s going on with that? :shrug:
I was going to put a sign on the wall between the two doors that said, “The bridge will crumble, but the free air will hold you firm”, and then stack a big ol’ pile of bodies at the bottom of the cliff.