Duplicate Faces when using Solidify

So I’m new to blender which I’m sure will be obvious from this issue. I was trying to Solidify a single face and I’m pretty sure it did the whole mesh. Now, it appears very strange and ends up having a ton of duplicate faces over the entire object (except the new parts I created). When I pan around in the view mode I can see black clipping coming from every wall. How do I delete these ‘fake’ walls?

I attached the blender file because it’s kind of hard for me to explain correctly.cath.blend (734 KB)

Thanks for any help!

Do you have a blend before using solidify modifier?

If you used solidify tool (ctrl+F -> solidify), it works for selection. If you used a solidify modifier (which works for the whole object) and applied it, well, that is a good example why you shouldn’t apply modifiers unless absolutely necessary.

By default Blender puts previous saves to .blend1 and .blend2 files in the same folder with the current .blend. It would be much easier to load a previous save than try to fix that. If not, you could see if file menu -> recover autosave has a version without that step.

If you find one, perhaps upload that since for the looks of it, it’s not very cleanly constructed mesh to begin with and could also reveal why solidify didn’t work as expected.

Could you explain how to make it cleaner? I don’t really mind starting over as this is the first mesh I’ve ever made. It’s just an experiment. If I was going to just restart the whole thing, do you have any suggestions?

Bad, bad, bad… N-gons = bad. Internal faces, not visible to anyone = bad. But that’s the way to create probably. You would need to clean this before texturing a bit…
To solve double faces - w - Remove doubles and increase merge distance gradually. You will need to remove some manually at some point.
It might be better to start from ground plane, make shape/levels of it, make needed cuts/face insets and then just extrude walls up.
Or model all walls and apply Solidify, then make floor by connecting edges.

I believe I know what you are referring to. It looks like you fixed it! How did you increase the merge distance? Thank you so much!

It’s on a tool (T) panel, lower part, available immediately after Remove doubles command.

remove doubles only works on selected verts so if you really don’t want them to merge de-select them

@JA12 never knew THAT solidify was dif to the modifier !! coulda used that last week might have saved me 99 selections rofl
next time I’ll errrrrrrr forget lol

No kidding! Thanks for that tip!

Eppo, are you saying it’s better to just start with a single plane and then extrude everything from that? I basically just made a bunch of cubes and put them next to each other heh. Also, what are Ngons and how do I prevent them?

Considering you have no clear idea from the beginning of what exactly you’re building… well, detailed idea ;)… it’s probably ok to start with cubes. I’d have planes in the beginning knowing that i could exploit Solidify mod later on.

N-gons = polygons with more than 4 vertices, like minimum verts is 3 to define plane, 4 works well with modifiers and loops. More is possible now with blender having ngons but it usually causes problems on further steps - smoothing, UV unwrap, adding Subsurf modifier, making loopcuts are first which i can name. Example - your arches. There is no general rule how and why you would prevent creation of them; they can be harmless for rendering if isolated on flat surface with face loops around, but in general you don’t want them on final product. Use Knife tool, join some verts, make them disappear.

TBH i did not know we do have individual face solidify tool. Did try on default cube and could not make a loop around after because of internal faces. Need to consider yet where that can be useful.

I’m rebuilding a level from an old game which I’m working on recreating. Very much not an art person, but I’ve had fun building this and working in blender. So it’s okay working with cubes and just putting them together? When do I need to join verts? I haven’t used the knife tool yet either, I’ll mess with that some.

I PM you a bit cleaned up and ‘materialized’ version of your blend. Btw it still had a disaster inside the mesh…While it is almost impossible to describe in detail, such ‘blueprint’ needs rework after. Hope you’ll get the idea while checking the file but for the most part i deleted all thickness of the walls and separated things like arches and floor from walls. Then make sure there are no extra verts on quad faces (Delete - Dissolve selected), adjust heights using snap functions, make Ctrl-R loopcuts or use (k) knife tool and delete double verts from time to time.
If you need to make adjustments to walls or add something, switch off visibility of Solidify for a moment. Make sure you unwrap after using Smart Unwrap. The rest will be taken care of - UVProject mod is for that.

This is awesome! Thank you so much! I’ll be digging into this and looking for all the cool things you did :slight_smile:

This has helped me a ton!