Duplicate geo nodes modifier?!?

what is the point in the ability to “duplicate” a geometry node modifier, when the result is just a 1:1 copy, and all changes i make in the duplicate also take place in the original?
i have objekt A with a geonode on it. now i duplicate objekt A and have object B. now i want to make slight changes in the geonode on object B, but all changes also appear on object A. i still struggle to wrap my head around how to deal with all these strange duplicate behaviour…

i want to have the duplicated geonode to be a UNIQUE one, not just a mirror-copy of the 1st one (which makes no sense at all)

You don’t duplicate geonodes when duplicating objects. It makes sense since you have a bunch of objects modified by the same Node Tree. Same applies for Materials, you might notice.
However the inputs will be unique for each object, you might want expose them for this purpose.

To actually turn a geonode into a duplicate, press on a number that will appear next to the name of the tree. It tells how many users a data-block (a node tree, in this case) have.


Thank you so much!!! Problem solved! :innocent: