Duplicated / unacounted shader's / node's user?

I have a problem I can’t track, with unaccounted shader’s / node’s users, see the screenshot:

  • New file
  • single scene
  • there is only one object (a cube), (plus the Sun lamp)
  • object with only one material slot
  • create a new shader, —> Blender says there are 2 users to that shader.

Also, the same with the World shader happens, with 2 users.

  • If I duplicate the cube, the users become 3 (2+1)
    [edited behaviour below]
  • If I make the second cube’s shader unique, the total number of users of any object shader remains 3, with only the duplicated material having 2 users, while the first one now has only 1.

It gets worse; in a complex scene, (still a single scene) I have a world shader with 13 users that I don’t know where come from, and a large number of users for object’s shaders unaccounted for.

Please advise?

Hmmm, in default scene I got only one user for “Material” - default cube.

Maybe some addon references the materials and it creates an additional user somehow?
…Sort of like if you reference a material in GeoNodes it will count as a user (I think)

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It could be, but so far I couldn’t track it. (I’m hoping somebody else has got the same problem, so to shrink the research scope).
My only concern is that the additional users don’t impact on performance. Specially the preposterous number of user for the world shader

Since it’s already in your…

…maybe save this and upload here ?? So someone can have a look ?


Good idea, thank you!
In this attached file, vanilla scene, a cube, I add a material, duplicate the cube, resulting in 3 users.
(Plus a world with 2)
test.blend (1.1 MB)

I’ve found a script on blender.stackexchange that returns a list of users. This is what it shows me:

The Scene user is the weird one. Looking at the Scene Properties tab, there’s this Custom Property:


Deleting this property, removes the extra user, so I guess this must be it :person_shrugging: Looks like it is used by an addon.

Not sure about the World though - it shows one for Scene, and then a blank space… :thinking:

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Many thanks for solving the issue!
About the world users, I still have no clue: in one scene where I have 2 worlds created by 2 different addons (physical sky and atm., and true sky), with no particular edits on my side on them, one has 11 users, and one 14… But I’ll just append the objects from that file to a new one, as it seems to be stable nevertheless.
Thanks again!

You have also some orphaned .Geo-Scatter.. text object…

So you may have to re-think about makeing a new clean start-up file ?

I think that you are right, well spotted, thank you!