Duplicating (spinning) mesh but with Z offset

Any idea how to go about this. The spin tool should work axcept theres no offset in the Z. I like the feature called (Dupli) to duplicate individual meshes around the hotpoint, however i want each mesh to be offset in the Z axis. Its a spiral stairs around a grain silo by the way. The screw modifier just extrudes the mesh and makes kind of like a water slide, not steps. Any ideas would be good. I spose I should develop a script for this. (wishful thinking)

You could use an Array Modifier with an empty as the object offset (see attached blend file)


array.blend (175 KB)

Ah yes, thanks for jogging my memory, I think iv heard of that somewhere. Thanks alot.

It took me awhile but i think i’ve caught on. YOU HAVE TO ROTATE THE EMPTY!!!