Dust Bowl

A stylized piece I finished recently

More stuff on my Instagram


Very Moebius vibes. Love the tones and the subtle blending.
I’m curious about your shading and post processing work, that’s very clean and tasteful.

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I love the image; it has a great feeling. I’m getting Risk of Rain 2 vibes from it. Great job.


Thank you, Moebius is a massive inspiration! The shading is a mix of procedural and image textures and I’m using shader to RGB to pick the shadow and highlight colours.

In post (all done in Blenders compositor) I used a little bit of blur, a touch of chromatic aberration and some old film grain. I also used the mist pass layer of the mid ground dunes combined with a box mask gradient to give that dusty look to blend the foreground and background.

Thank you! Love the risk of rain games!

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I featured you on BlenderNation, have a great weekend!

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Amazing, thanks so much!

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has such a good vibe to it… loving this series

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Thanks so much man!

Wow, incredible work @AliHoff!

What’s your shader setup like for that NPR look?

Did you make that sky in post?

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Thanks so much @Samuel_Sullins !

I’m using procedural textures with lots of gradients and a shader to RGB set up, similar to the textured set up in this video . Instead of a solid colour for the shadows I’m also using another gradient by using the object coordiantes of a very lage upscaled cube on the Z axis cube so i can get a nice gradient across everything.

Yeah the sky is all done in the compositor by mixing a blurred box mask to make a nice gradient along with an image of the clouds.

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Wow, thanks for explaining it all, @AliHoff.

Neat trick with the huge cube.

And while we’re talking about skies—somebody made an AI tool that makes HDRIs—maybe you’ll find it useful, one day. It’s not that great :slight_smile:

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Amazing Style!

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No worries!

Oh cool, I’ll have to check that out, thanks!

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Thank you!