i added a plane, subdivided it, then i set the physics to “soft body”, after that,i added a few rigid body joints constraint so it doesnt fall, then i added a motion actuator with force “9.80” on the Z axis so it doesnt hang like a cloth, then i got this awesome realistic effect, so i think i should share it to all of you.
the “Shape match” value in the soft body physics setting acts like “wave damping” in dynamic paint
.blend: waves.blend (678 KB)
Nice. I’m not sure what practical situation you’d be able to use it, but it makes a lovely tech demo.
I thought about the idea of having the plane locked to the location of the camera’s focus and then make it a little bigger than the camera’s view, but it’d bump against other objects maybe… There’s probably some way of getting it to work.
Great result!
Very interesting!
I added friction to the water , it’s not accurate, but it makes it look better for sure!
another possible use- Force fields?
WavesFriction.blend (660 KB)
Nice work Viper-MIJP! Thank you for sharing!
BluePrintRandom, your demo its great too, but I get 8 FPS with my “supercomputer”!
Interesting idea with the collision masks. I’ve been wondering how to handle water in my game and this seems like an interesting way of doing it.
Yes, but the sofy body are a little buggy, sometimes when one start the game the water just flies(sometimes, and also sometimes when change scene layers), right now in the file that i’m working the collision mask and group to evoid the water collide with the static objects not are working (the first file work)
Here is the underwater view what i was making.
The nodes of the underwater are organized…but no the nodes of the water…
-WASD: move
-Mouse movement: move the camera
-Mouse Left Button: shoot a cube
-1: activate ssao (i add the SSAO of martinsh, just for fun)
Dynamic paint waves, nodes v2.zip (376 KB)
While I like what is going on here, one Question bugs me eversince this Thread has started: What does the originally posted Method have to do with “Dynamic Paint”?
It’s a option of blender(render), that can do waves on surfaces, or somenthing like this.
So, the effect showed in the original thread are like dynamic paint.
Though I do find it quite misleading. I even have to disagree: Technically it is not at all like Dynamic Paint. We have Dynamic Paint in BGE as well, we can paint Stuff on Texture-Images in Realtime, and in the Past I also tried using that for simulating Ripples (but I gave up before I got anywhere), while this is not even like Dynamic Paint, it is a completely different Approach, a Mesh Deformation Approach.
By the Way, @ carlo, the Underwater Scenery looks rather nice and smooth! :}