Dynamic Wing Membrane, & Solved Q's

Hey there, so I’m starting to do the constraints for this weird alien dragon-like creature based on Anne McCaffrey’s Dragonriders of Pern novels. (It’s for personal fan-art projects.)

I know there are a lot of dragon models out there on the internet, and tutorials, but just haven’t unearthed a tut that directly elaborates specifically on these questions.

On to question #1:
(More or less solved, but you are still welcome to add thoughts!)
I followed the instructions in this video (http://vimeo.com/30078317) exactly. The video is demonstrating the rigging of a human leg, however, (edited more info here) and quadrupeds aren’t plantigrade, their “heel” is part of their leg, adding a joint. I want all the same control, to roll the foot for walking, and tilt it for uneven terrain, but I had to move the IK and constraints down one bone in the chain. This isn’t a problem, except I’d like another pole-target for the knee. I may not need it but would like to try. What’s the best way to do this without affecting the other constraints?

Question #2: (Solved myself!)
In the video at 21:10 he starts to pose the foot’s main IK control. What type of selection is he using? It’s not regular rotating I think. Green and red “Christmas arrows” appear. Sorry, I just jumped in, there are basics with the interface I don’t know yet. The whole point is that parenting the main IK to the pole target makes the legs and knees follow the way the foot is turned. Handy! If I regular rotate, the ankle twists, though I can see the parenting is working more or less - the heel follows the foot.
Edit: Looks like I had to change my cursor from “bounding box center” to “3D cursor!” I am still learning about the functions of the cursors, and got ahead of myself there. It was a basic thing so it wasn’t mentioned in various selection methods for posing, so it was hard to find when I’m looking at rigging. Hope this is useful to someone else who, like me, jumps ahead. I now know that when posing, it is very important to switch from bounding box to 3D cursor, maybe I will discover others. It’s the difference between turning a foot to point the way you want, or twisting the ankle hideously!)

See, I get twisty-ness:

What it’s supposed to do:

Not urgent but helpful brainstorms for wing rigging that I’d love thoughts on:

o   Best way to make wing membranes dynamic. (Respond to gravity etc. like animating some cloth and other things that respond to wind and gravity.)

o   Having wings with tendons that shrink and expand with elasticity like this:


(I am not using pterosaur style wings but the membrane acts the same. I got the images from here: http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1875306X08000063)

The style of wing I am going to be rigging is actually like this:
(With the tip of the front wing-finger closer to the second, and merged by tendons.)


Anyway, just welcoming thoughts on this, not necessarily answers to ALL my questions. Whatever you think will help!

One thing to keep in mind is that a four-footed animal walks on its toes, not on flat feet like a human, so you don’t actually need the extra pole target because what you’re seeing as a reversed knee is the equivalent of the human heel. All the joints in the leg are the same as in a human walking on his/her toes.

Hope this helps.

Right, right, they are “digitigrade,” not “plantigrade” - at least, you can see that this dragon is. The tricky part is that I wanted the roll to be where it’s at because that is where the ankle action is and where I need the most control. (Tilt the foot for uneven terrain, etc.) The actual heel on a quad is more restricted. But I notice that the knee moves in relation to the heel because of the chain, anyway, so it is actually pretty good. It might be nice to control the knee, it may not matter. You are right, it’s not really essential at this point as the constraints I have give me the control I need. :slight_smile: So your advice does help.

I only have one pressing question at this point… Do you have any idea what type of selection method the fellow in the tutorial is using in that picture to turn the main IK bone on the foot of the human rig? I know it’s me, just not familiar with the interface completely yet. Regular rotating is twisting the ankle of my model, instead of moving the foot. I can see the parenting to the pole target is causing it to move accordingly at least somewhat.

Thank you for the feedback!

For the wing tendon, a bone with a stretch to constraint might be helpful.

Ok, I will look into “stretch to constraint,” thank you very much. It’s helpful to be told the names of the actions that could help, because I don’t know what I’m looking for otherwise, and suggestions like that give me somewhere to start more research. Thanks! :slight_smile:

I’ve set up a rudimentary wing system with stretch to and copy rotation constraints, hopefully it will help illustrate what I refer to.


WingTendon.blend (441 KB)

Wow!! Thank you so much, I will certainly report back with my findings, and what I learned. You make me very glad I joined BlenderArtists. :slight_smile:

I hope it proves useful, just be warned that you might need to adjust it depending on what your model is.

Thanks! This is really a useful solution, and I can see it translating over to my wing style very well. I thank you for sharing it with me! Definitely going to use this trick for my wings, and I’ll be sure to demonstrate how I utilized it when I make more progress! Thanks again. :slight_smile:

In the video at 21:10 he starts to pose the foot’s main IK control. What type of selection is he using? It’s not regular rotating I think. Green and red “Christmas arrows” appear.

On your bottom tool bar there is a 3 pointed star looking icon called the "3D manimpulator… click on that and you will get the “christmas tree” Arrows… you also can chose the Rotation Circles or the Scaling blocks… also note that selecting your bone you can not only hit G, R, S… for Translate, Rotate, and Scale… but also you can hit… GG, and RR or SS to 'free form Translate Rotate and scale…

@ @Krisnack nice Wing Rigg dude…