Dynamica public release

The zip file including all the code and working release with instructions to make it work:


The demo videos (DivX) all done with the current version:


this is only provide as is, and will probably not work on your system.

please, don’t spam my e-mails with questions on how it works, I will only answer questions related to the code itself.


:o :o :o :o



Thanks !!! :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:
It’s a great notice!!
First Blender open source, and now this…
It’s a golden year for the Computer graphics Open Source!!!
Are you working to port Dynamica in 2.25?

we’ll restart the project when the initial rush is over.


It looks like it works…




thank you.

WOW! It works great. (WIN 2000 PRO- Blender 223) Thank you so very much. I have been playing with it for several hours and It is soooooooo cool. Thanks for the help menus…

I’m amazed. The get selected feature is fantastic! Have not quite figured out the gravity, but it works. The fragmesh - Wow… The linear and angular binds - Wow.

I don’t know what else to say - Wow

There is no emoticon for what i am feeling right now!!!


I had almost forgot about D, glad to see that you guyz didnt!!! :wink:
Will definatly give it some play, if i have any q’z i’ll ask.

Thank you guyz so much for all your work, its defaitnly nice to have some new toolz to work with!!! :wink:


Blend on, and blend well!!!

Thank you for all the hard work you guys put into this. I really respect your guys ability to code and make cool things for us to play with.


ummm can someone tell me what to do from the start as i am new to using scripts.

Place your cursor over the script window, and type alt-p.

I recieved an email from somebody asking about the cloth and rigidbody features. Just in case anyone else is wondering this too: this Dynamica version is only a very incomplete alpha version, lots of things are missing.
The cloth and rigidbody code (as well as boids and general collision) is not part of this release, that was all still in it’s unfinished experimental state. But I’m sure with all the new developers outtthere, that it is only a matter of time before these things are implemented properly, probably using ODE again for rigidbody dynamics, and some other much better implementation than my cloth code/hack.
Unless theeth is working on something with others right now, I wouldn’t know, I’m not involved with Dynamica any longer.

just wanted to ask: if you do anything cool with the script, please tell me, as I’m always interested into seeing what people do with my work. I’m sure eeshlo would be very interested too.


I think I’m gonna faint :o
I have been watching this plugin ever since it was first post @ blender.
I read the readme first document and when I was done changing the paths and copying all the scripts, the brightest star in the sky just popped out from behind the clouds. Thank you very much!

p4 2gigahertz Dell
Nvidia gforce2
256 ram
Windoze XP
21" monitor

and this plugin screams!!!

Thanks again

I just played with it a bit and found that its AWESOME!!!
I cant get Vortex to work, nothing shows up in the gui
but it will allow me to load dat files (when you place the mouse over this feature, it says that it doesn’t work) but it does indeed.

got to go and play some more

like I said in the docs somewhere, the Vortex winds are only accessible through the command line access. The command line particles system creation is very very hidden, but if you have a look at the saving function (starting on line 60, Alt-J to jump to a line) in CustomAct.py it should give you a good idea where to start.

but it will allow me to load dat files (when you place the mouse over this feature, it says that it doesn’t work) but it does indeed.

that’s a good case of not updated tool tips :smiley:

I’m very glad to hear that most people (those who posted here, anyway) are not having any problems with getting the script to work.
