Dyntopo tests

Indeed, I use perspective view setting lens to ~80-100.
This tends to look like a camera ~50-60.
Well, depends.
When sculpting we tend to zoom in and out all the time, so, a 100 mm lens is maybe a better generic setting.

yes, i sculpt with a 100 mm lense, seems best for me, also to judge forms… sculpting should not be done in orthographic view, since the perspective that our eyes (and brain) is used to is missing.

you can see the mistakess that happen when sculpting in orthographic view at youtube: when you look at youtube tutorials, where heads are sculpted in orthographic view, they always turn out with too small skulls when finally rendered with a camera. then the sculptor tries to get the head bigger, and adjusts here and there, but the structure is wrong right from the beginning … this is, since putting fotos (which have a lense of 70-100 when portrait fotos) in orthographic view, you sculpt a distorted, too small mesh…

so use a lense close to the reference foto, if you don’t know the lense, 100mm is a good guess…

@sanctuary: i recreated it dude, i think it seems to echo the don’t put subdivision mods on the bottom list, only works with multires and subd modded objects though, but we got simplify button for that. anyways, good observation. this little “bug”/trick could be handy from time to time.

i did go to 20 mil multires from last time. but best here is that you can portions of the mesh to avoid the overall lag, in dyntopo not quite evident well the hide thing is for the viewport to draw less stuff but in dynto of course it is the holy code that is doing the voodoo stuff. anyways, it still rocks.

@doris: i need to increase my RAM then! hahaha.

i’ve been thinking of doing some small tuts to get the guppies started on sculpting, what do you guys think?, more playmates here. could be fun. well, they will learn as i learn.

doodle (dyntopo/multires) while listening to a thousand years by ms. perri, guess the sadness shows.

Iceking, my favorite so far, by any aspect.
Clean well defined shapes. Beautiful!
And, inspiring, I think I’ll follow your definitions on one of of my sketches at least.

@michalis: thanks!, also for psy-fi for the new toys. :slight_smile:

how do you “portion off the mesh”? I don’t understand

@ng-material: typo, meant to say “you can *hide portions of the mesh”

Great work Iceking !

I remember it was watching a sculpting timelapse video that attracted me into trying Sculptris 4 years ago, my very first contact with digital sculpting.
So yes, tutorials, timelapses etc … are always great to showcase the potential and the fun of sculpting digitally, especially when it’s as good as Dyntopo is.

I love it Iceking!

Havent sculpted anything for a month, now back on track! This one took ~2h to sculpt, then some fast post @ ps.

Can someone give me pointers how to make her look more femine? Is it just the detailing of they eyes and nose or is there something in the structure of face that should be changed?

The neck in my opinion is too large unless you’re sculpting a very muscular woman

check this in comparison

jjjuhu, a good start. when you want sculpt a woman, the best you can do is use fotoreference, and try to match. it does not need to be as good as a portrait, but you will get all essentials correct to read as feminine… as to your sculpt, neck too large as sanctuary pointed out. space between uppereyelid and brow too large, this makes the eyes appear to small. women tend to have larger eyes (and enhance this fact with make up too). shape of eyes is wrong. the highest point of the upperlid sits on the first third when looking from nose, you have it on the second third when looking from nose. anatomy of mouth muscles is wrong, the mouth corner sits deep in the flesh and is surrounded by a muscle, so appears like the mouthcorners “dissapear inside a donut shape”, you have it sit “on” the flesh. the area between mouth and chin should show a “shelf structure”. in men it is very apparent, since often “boxy”, in women it is there too, generally, but more rounded and softer than in men. position of ear is wrong, top i cannot see, but earlobe is too high… don’t sstart detailing before the foundation is correct, it will not make the sculpt better. if the foundation (proportions and muscles etc) is correct, it will look feminine even without detailing. then you can detail as much as your heart desires and it will look great… i hope this helps you somewhat, but as said, reference is king…

Did another woman at work, tried to incorporate things you guys said. Also had reference by side for whole sculpting session. Watching it now I feel like I did some fundamental errors like having eye brows too high… but guess this is still better than one before

The crease of the cheeks has also a curve form as if the girl was smiling. When her face is relaxed as in your sculpt, this line tend to be rect.

Hope this helps. Keep on sculpting!!

much, much better! … the eyebrows are ok for a slightly surprised look,

Maybe I need to let go and try this approach. My style seems to be to ‘undo’ almost as much as I ‘do’. :confused:

I only undo when I accidentally use add instead of subtract, or the other way around. I still need to get better at paying attention to the color of the circle, red is add, blue subtract.

As others have mentioned - doing what I sketched in the picture is generally a bad idea! I did not mean to spread bad info :wink: I am aware of the problem since it is one that I have encountered - so I should have expressed my thoughts more clearly. All I was trying to do was to demonstrate the general appreciation of facial structure ratios that we can get from viewing several references from several different angles. In retroscect it appeared that I was proposing that you apply orthographic hard surface modelling techniques to sculpting, which was not my intention. :wink:

Even the absolute best case scenario (e.g. if you know the focal length of the camera used to take the reference, the distance to subject, the angle, an idea of any distortions, post pro etc) then it is still a very risky business trying to line up 2D pics to generate a 3D model that will look like the 2D pic. Doris’ & Michalis’ advice on focal lengths and general sculpting methodology was also given to me a few months ago and I think it made a very big difference in my appreciation of the shapes that I was getting.


Well no ctrl-z is a fine exercise in concentration. I always remember that Michelangelo had no undo when he hit the marble.
However, whenever I forgot to check/uncheck add/subtract or if the grab tool does not react as expected i am most of the time an undoer:)

Around the no - undo (it just takes too much time to undo a single stroke in dyntopo when you’re already high poly) Dyntopo have that “simplify”/“high detail setting”/“collapse edge” that help to remove your brush strokes blunders without having to use any undo.