Dystopian Future

This image was created to get better at detailing and composition. So I’ve used an AI generated image and have tried to replicate it. I’ve learned much and would be happy for any feedback.

Below is the AI image which I have used.

Many thanks to @Strike_Digital, @BG_Division and @xeonow for their contructive support in this thread.


Wonderful job replicating it. I am impressed with how close you got.

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Pulp, Emo! Is that your goal in life, - pulp??!

Looks pretty cool.

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Hi, thanks that you like it :slight_smile:

@LMalachi It took endless iterations to match find the best textures & color tones, especially the fog and lighting was a hard part and finally post processing all changes it again. Plus the AI has produced a lot of hard to interpret details.

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I had been following your WIP thread so I got to see a little of the journey you took to get here. The smaller details are always the hardest to replicate. Especially when they are inconsistent details like in youre AI reference.

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I featured you on BlenderNation, have a great weekend!

You’re on the featured row! :+1:

That was my first thought too

Cool! Reminds me of Elephants Dream.