E-Cycles - The fastest render engine for Blender. 3.2 release available now!

OptiX is closed source, so their is now way to know how it works internally. It’s certainly possible to make an AI denoiser with CUDA but it would then be from scratch, which is a big undertaking.

I can understand you would like to change your choice with the new features. For people in your case, I can offer if you want:

  • sidegrade where you only pay the difference, plus the 50$ off which are currently offered until Sunday.
  • if you have E-Cycles 2019, I can even reactivate the special offer with E-Cycles RTX 2020 at 150€ and substract what you already paid for 2020. So you can get the upgrade to RTX 2020 for 99€ or even 49€ with all 2020 updates :slight_smile:
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