E-Cycles - The fastest render engine for Blender. 3.2 release available now!

I’m working on a proper fix, I added temporarily a new option for skin tint in the quick settings panel which may help in your case.
Thank you for the report :slight_smile:


fixed in RC1a. By the way, it renders faster with auto tiles and adaptive sampling also helps here. It even reduces the noise a bit :slight_smile:

Thank you for the report.

Fixed in RC1a, thank you for the report :slight_smile:

A new RC1a version (based on the same RC1 as the last one, only E-cycles bug fixes were added) is available for Windows, Linux and Mac will follow.
It has following improvements:

  • Adaptive sampling threshold can now be set in the quick settings panel, also 0 = auto should give good results most of the time.
  • Rendering is now stable also with latest NVidia drivers
  • Baking with AO connected to an emission node now works properly again
  • the SSS skin tint issue should be resolved with a new option, needs more testing.
  • there is a new boost option, which can bring more performance in some scene, but may trigger timeouts on recent windows with recent NVidia drivers on some RTX cards in some scenes :smiley: So it’s safe in 99% of the use cases.

1 known bug remain, which I still can’t reproduce:

  • 2 user report black objects when using adaptive subdivision in the RC1. 2 Solutions are known: the July update work properly. Switching to CPU and back to GPU make it work properly in RC1 too.
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Give yourself more time and you’ll come up with a better answer.

Official RC1 doesn’t yet have dithered sobod, scrambling distance and adaptive sampling so I’ll stick with the one that faster and have mentioned features, which is not a e-cycles.

You know the build you mention is made by one of my student? So you are just insulting the guy who made what you like possible. On top of that, you bring figures with E-Cycles nearly 2x slower than buildbots. You may have found a bug, but do you think I pay all the guys who rate my products?


Plot twist.
E-Cycles has nothing new except Auto-Tile, Quick Settings rollout and AI Denoiser .

Dithered Sobol, Scrambling Distance and Adaptive Sampling have been developed and ported to 2.8 by other devs and only after that they appeared in E-Cycles

So It’s basically a fork of a daily build with the mentioned features.

Prove me wrong.

Hi, checked pavillon_barcelone_v1.2.blend with my GTX 760 at default settings.
Blender RC1 02:29.24
E-Cycles 02:01.66
With preset “Fast” I got 01:17.36 without denoising.

Cheers, mib


I’ll try barbershop later but I just ran BMW (since it’s quick), and these are the times I got, which reflect the ratios I’ve seen in tests I’ve done with my own scenes:

Build Settings Time
Vanilla 2.8 RC1 Default 2:54.66
Bone Studio Default 2:53.17
E-Cycles Default (Auto tiles off) 1:50.47
E-Cycles Auto tiles on 1:41.98
E-Cycles Auto tiles on + CUDA boost + Adaptive Sampling (0.001) + Scrambling distance (0.3) - Image was virtually identical 1:35.75
E-Cycles Same as above but with Scrambling Distance 0.1 - Very minor difference in reflections and noise pattern 1:23.19

You must have something misconfigured or you’re experiencing a bug.



Hi everyone!

I want to clarify some things about our build and the differences between our studio build and E-Cycles.

To those of you that think that Bone-Studio is faster than E-Cycles on GPU… that’s not possible, and I know that because I’m the author of our builds hahaha so I know what do I include on it :slight_smile: , @bliblubli made several improvements in memory management, GPU performance, UI/UX and many other things, E-Cycles as has been said here is specially optimized for their use with GPU’s, for CPU it does not have many improvements over 2.8, but for GPU E-Cycles IS WAY FASTER!

Even we have purchased E-Cycles and support @bliblubli so there are reasons to purchase E-Cycles for sure, our build is though for use to be used in production, and we do mainly CPU rendering, not GPU rendering so none of the GPU performance improvements are present in our build, the times presented by @mag.py make more sense to me than the other ones.

Really, don’t compare our build, or the Theory Studios one (because both are basically the same, just one is 2.79 and the other is 2.80) with E-Cycles.

Let me rephrase this in one sentence: E-Cycles is highly GPU optimized, way faster than our build and supporting @bliblubli is one of a great idea, if you do GPU rendering, E-Cycles is the best choice.

Also, it’s not $25 a month, it’s $99 a year for the 2.8 version of it.

There is another reason, also the updating pace of our build is and will be slower than E-Cycles, we update it as we need it to be updated, but if we are in the middle of a production we may not update it for a long time, like right now, the RC is out and we are still with the 1st July version of the code, because we have to finish our current production.

Really, GPU rendering … E-Cycles is the best choice.

I hope I helped to clarify things a bit :slight_smile:


I can assure you that E-Cycles is way more than a fork with DS, SD and AS :slight_smile: I know what I put in my build and what I don’t put on it, I’m even able to put some of the E-Cycles patches for GPU inside our build, but I have not done that just because we don’t use them and we want to modify Blender the less possible apart from the features we absolutely need.

So really, E-Cycles has way more development inside than what our build has, and it MUST be faster on GPU :slight_smile:


Awesome news Mathieu!

I’ll get to testing asap.

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Hey guys I finished building a new AMD Ryzen 3900X system with 2 RTX 2080 Ti Founders Edition. Tested the BMW scene with 1 GPU versus 2 GPU on E-Cycles:

1 GPU: 30.19 seconds
2. GPU: 17.30 seconds.

I’m impressive with the speed! I also tried Hybrid rendering(GPU + CPU), E-Cycle crashes with the BMW scene - not a deal breaker since I’m mainly sticking to GPU rendering only.

Would love to see NV-Link supported but I understand this is such a niche area it might not even be on the todo list.

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Hi guys, I did some video tutorials in youtube of blender 2.8 in spanish and I decided share the final scene for E-cycles tests of the community n.n
Is a simple scene.

Blend file packed in zip.

Dimension: 1920 x 1350
My results:
Standard cycles: 8:33 min
E-cycles: 5:45 min
E-cycles with .07 of scrambling distance: 4:34 min

E-cycles medium preset: 2:52 min
is diferent because world light is disable.

This is with a help of world lighting.
E-cycles medium preset: 2:49 min

E-cycles fast preset: 2:10 min


If those numbers are correct, then your decision to support the Devfund rather than buying E-Cycles is reasonable. But don’t go any further than that with your assessments. As many here, including me, can confirm, E-Cycles definitely is a great improvement in speed. And we have also used the Barbershop scene to test the performance and some of us, once again including me, have actually compared it to the Bonestudio version as well. E-Cycles was significantly faster all the time and many here will support this experience.

So you should consider the experiences of many compared to your own and based on that investigate what’s going on with your setup which seems to have some problems based on that.

@Juan … thanks for standing up for Mathieu and his great work on E-Cycles.


Awesome work as usual. I’ll try to watch the tutorial asap, in the mean time, I really recommend everyone wanting to do visualisation to have a look to it. @EntityDesigner is really an artists you can learn a lot from :slight_smile:


yeah, you are right: just switching the default output to jpg pretty much gets me a preview sequence for free. Thats great to quickly judge the render output, instead of loading GBs of exrs.
So, no RGB node as a workaround required!

by removing the Denoising Data, filesize on my 4k exrs (32bit) went from 600MB to 200MB. Thats cool.

Another cool thing with the default output set to jpg: you can burn the metadata into the image, so you get a preview jpg sequence with all the info regardign rendertime, date etc alongside the exr sequence with all the layers.

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Thanks for posting the scene! I think having a benchmark scene for E-cycles would be useful for testing different hardware. I’m still running RC release of E-cycles so far with your scene:

Medium preset : 42.65 seconds
Fast preset: 34.68 seconds
Fast preset + adaptive sampling: 30.79 seconds


That’s sounds better. Yeah, it might be the case. I guess I need to test E-Cycles rc1 with the updated drivers.

Everybody makes mistakes, but I think the decency to not become spiteful or at least say sry afterwards, still makes a winner.