E-Cycles - The fastest render engine for Blender. 3.2 release available now!

New builds of E-cycles 2.83 and 2.90 are up with a lot of polishing to prepare for final 2.83. Some advanced options were not displayed in last 20200515 builds, it’s now fixed. The new build as usual inlcude all the latest improvements from both upcoming stable and master Blender.


Oh I see. I wasn’t aware NVLink is RTX only. Thanks for clearing that up for me.

I am looking to get a RTX2060 Laptop soon. Would I be able to purchase the RTX version, then use the CUDA version on my dual 1080ti machine (since its included) and the RTX on my laptop? Or I will need to buy two perpetual license separately?

Many thanks!

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Could someone here do a test on the room scene with E-Cycles?

Great update on the new E-Cycles. Shared memory will help with bigger scenes. I pan to buy E-Cycles as soon as it goes on sale. For now I don’t have it. :frowning:

The RTX version comes with the CUDA version, so just buy the RTX version, no need buy both. I learn this the hard way bought both of them lol.

Yes, you can use E-Cycles RTX on your laptop and E-Cycles standard (or RTX actually for better viewport denoising performance) on your dual 1080Ti with one license :slight_smile:

You can contact me :slight_smile:

Made with E-Cycles recently:



Wow awesome renders!

It seems that volumetrics rendering with cuda are broken in the E_cycles_2.83_v20200521_lin version.

Here a test scene. ecycles_05_21_volume_bug.blend (1.1 MB)

For me most of the meshes renders pitch black. With optix or cpu it renders fine.

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Have you set up correctly volumetrics denoising in compositor?

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Yes, it also happens in the viewport. It works correctly for you?

Haven’t tried it since I don’t have 2.83 installed. It just sounded like a very common mistake, so I mentioned it.

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It’s all good, E-cycles was a tax write off and I more than made my money back with it doing side rendering gigs. So no need for a refund or anything!

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Thanks for the report, new builds of E-Cycles 2.83 and 2.90 are up with the bug resolved normally :slight_smile:

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I am able to use optix with an 1660 super and the RTX build. it is about 20% faster. how is that possible.

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At some point they made RTX features work with GTX with a minor speed boost!

Viewport rendering is faster (about 40%) in all my tests with E-Cycles RTX on GTX cards. For final render, some scene are as fast or slightly slower, other scenes indeed get a 20% boost with GTX cards on the RTX version compared to E-Cycles standard/CUDA. I don’t advert it until I get a solid 20% boost over all tested scenes and I like to offer good surprises :slight_smile:

New builds of E-Cycles 2.83 and 2.90 are up:

  • include 2 new splash screens, one for standard and one for RTX
  • the SSS passes are now removed like in official 2.83 to ensure 100% compatibility again.
  • a bug with volumes and gradient texture was fixed
  • denoising is faster in scenes with SSS
  • includes all the latest improvements of upstream

If you want to have nice caustic which converge pretty fast, I recommend to have a look to Hans Chiu’s node setup :slight_smile: Of course, it works with E-Cycles too.





New builds of E-Cycles 2.83 and 2.90 are up:

  • fixed: the AI-Denoiser could give a white compositing after the SSS passes removal.
  • 2.90 now offers the new sky model from @MarcoPPavanello as an experimental feature, thank you Marco!
  • E-Cycles 2.83 build for Mac is already available too!

Happy rendering!


that viewport deniosing is super charged seems alot faster than before!

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