E-Cycles - The fastest render engine for Blender. 3.2 release available now!

are those settings changed by default in ecycles?
I just opened the scene that in 3.0 vanilla was rendering fine in ecycles and hit render, so it looks like all the settings are the same

Try changing world surface settings sampling to manual and map res at 1024. This may help for it to render though I can’t speak for your initial question on why the apparent memory increase.

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I cannot get the newest 3.0 e-cycles to load on my computer. I have a dual boot computer…windows 7 and windows 10. I cannot get an error message to show up so I am not sure what is going on. I am trying to load it in windows 10. Does anyone know what the problem might be? Thanks

Don’t even try to run Blender 3.0 (or E-Cycles) on Windows 7, this OS is no longer supported.

To know why Blender (or E-Cycles) crashes, run Blender thanks to the blender_debug_log.cmd file that is located in the Blender (or E-Cycles) installation folder. Running this script opens a Command Line window, which, if Blender crashes, gives you information about the reason of the crash (Blender itself, an add-on, out of vRAM, GPU drivers…) by generating log files with the errors. Those are located in this folder: C:\Users\username\AppData\Local\Temp\blender\debug_logs\

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Thanks xan2622. I am trying to open the program on windows 10 however there is no crash report in the folder you mentioned.

I don’t know for sure, you can double check in the Render Properties area.

The % directly under film and the Denoising area in under AI Denoise.


What GPU and drivers version do you have? (it might worth updating your gpu drivers).
btw, does Blender 3.0 run fine?

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I have updated my drivers to what mathieu recommended. Do you think I should try the newest driver? Thanks 2070rtx super

Daily builds work fine

I will let Mathieu answer this question. He knows better than me how to correctly help you.

(but yes, in the meantime I would try with the latest version of the GPU drivers. You can still downgrade to a previous driver afterwards)

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“Politeness” isn’t a concept in American advertising, and frankly a certain amount of dishonesty is expected as long as it isn’t technically an outright lie. I remember a math class going over some of the ways advertisements manipulate graphs and statistics to mislead people… But yeah, if K-Cycles and E-Cycles hyposthetically both had charts proving their product was faster than the other, wouldn’t phase me at all.

With further inspection I noticed that when I open problematic .blend file in E-Cycles X, the UI is extremely laggy, and I noticed that window that is responsible for this is 3D Viewport. If I close it down everything else works smooth. It looks like 3D Viewport gets overburdened, and then it closes Blender. Especially when textures or material preview gets turned on.

The out of the box speed-up part is mostly free ($1) since 8 months now indeed and published for free on Github asap. Pro will keep the other speed and image quality improvements and the full feature set.

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I prefer to let artists the choice of the denoising method.

Generally, the legacy (compositor) version is however deprecated and only there in case a scene would give better results with it.

On new files or files coming from Blender, it is recommended everyone use the new method (AI-Denoise checkbox) in which case there is no need to click on upgrade.

If you use denoising (default behaviour), it should be about 2x faster at comparable quality.

For blend file related things, E-Cycles uses 100% Blender’s code. If it works in one machine and not the other, it sounds like an add-on or configuration issue. I would recommend to reset preferences to factory defaults (edit menu → preferences → bottom left corner menu → reset). If the issue persists on that machine, I would indeed need a crash log, normally saved in your temp folder as @ByteC said.

Edit: just saw you had a look in temp and found nothing. I let the recommendation as it may still help other. You can send a .blend file by answering your GUmroad purchase confirmation mail about E-Cycles.

Hi Bernardo,

thanks for the report. Can it be you use the $1 version of E-Cycles? If so, it is expected to use more memory. If it’s the Pro version, it is a bug and I would need a .blend file to reproduce. You can send a filemail link by answering your Gumroad purchase confirmation mail about E-Cycles.


thanks for the report. If you already upgraded to the latest v20211207 builds and the issue persists, could you please send a .blend file per filemail by answering your Gumroad purchase confirmation mail about E-Cycles?

E-Cycles 3.0 and 3.1 builds v20211207 are now available!

  • new feature to invert the effect of light linking (available in the object panel)
  • fixed a bug with shadow catcher and denoising
  • fixed a bug preventing animation denoising in some scene

The Pro feature tour was updated with light linking:

Happy rendering!


What’s holding up the release of the source code? Aren’t you required to open source it immediately once someone obtains your product?

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