needs an atmosphere, and realistic clouds? and yes it’s in finished projects also, havn’t learned how to delete threads yet
I… Wouldn’t say it’s finished. With no clouds it looks… weird. And the background could use some work, I don’t know, it just seems, a little dull. Still, it’s O.K.
And you never will, unless you become a moderator, because they’re the only ones who can lock or delete threads.
About your model, you’ve covered the obvious things that are missing (atmosphere and clouds) but the other thing I noticed was the lack if any light at all on the dark side of the Earth. From that distance you should be able to see the lights of California and stuff. Search Google for a few real nighttime satellite pics, so you can see what the lighting is like. Apart from that, the oceans look a bit unrealistic (can’t figure out why though, so once again Google is your friend) and the starfield could use some tweaking. Looking good though!
thanks, but i seem to be having trouble creating realistic clouds any idea? they need to look as detailed as the plaent
Here’s something that should help with the clouds:
Add another sphere for the clouds (scale it slightly) add a cloudmap (here’s one) and then map it to the sphere and follow the directions
i followed your instructions: i made a special note that shadow buff was off, i had a new material made after duplication, and i could even see grid clearly in texture preview. i even got the effect to work on a flat plain, doesn’t seem to work on a sphere for me. i could get the effect to work by rasing emit values on earth, but this left it with no shading…i’m not a transperancy expert, but you all must see my confusion, any ideas…thanks!
I’m still a noob at Blender, but you might have (in the Map Input tab) X Y and Y selected because I think that could give it that stretched look along the z-axis. Double check to make sure, it could be as simple as correcting that to X Y Z.
Take a look at my earth from a little while back.
Got it to look pretty good with one sphere and orco mapped textures.
Another little trick was to use a color ramp for the athmosphere, and minnaert shading. I think the blend is still working for you to reverse engineer. Keep in mind that you have to copy the link for the download into the address bar. For some reason, it doesn’t work just clicking on it.
thanks guys i’ll try it, and i haven’t begun fixing streched effect, would be pointless fixing for my current reslt
That’s because the link points to a different address . Easy to correct.
Also on the earth you should include a spec and bump map.