I am following a tutorial to make a earth but when I add clouds I cant see the ground through the transparent mats.please help.
and the guy doing tutorial never said how to fix it
anyone there?
ok nvm scraping project.
You did not pack the relevant textures into the file, so it’s hard to diagnose finally.
However, your cloud sphere material is most likely not correctly set up. You need two shaders (diffuse + transparent) feeding into a mix shader. And then you use the alpha channel of the cloud image (provided that it has one) to control the mix factor = the alpha channel determines which shader is used.
BTW, you seem to have “auto key” enabled in all your files - not sure if that’s intentional, as this will create animation keyframes for anything and everything you do in that scene…
Ok going to give this one more try what am I doing wrong?
no I did not see that ty for pointing it out.
Instead of a diffuse/transparent mix you did a transparent/ambient occlusion mix, which does not make sense in this context. Something like this should work:
Ty so much that works so much better.
IkariShinji do you have a good node setup for the atmosphere you seam to know the simpler ways to set up nodes all the tutorial have complex-ed setups
Node setups often start simple, then add complexity for specific, more subtle effects.
Ok I used this node setup
and on a test preview it looked like this.
Not to bad right well not to fast On a full CPU render this is what happened.
Can anyone tell me how to fix this?:spin:
Looks like “Z-fighting” to me. Two objects (my guess: the cloud and the atmosphere spheres) occupy exactly the same position in 3D space. The renderer can not decide which of the two surfaces to render, so it renders one for some polygons and the other for other polygons.
Make one of the spheres slightly bigger/smaller so that they no longer co-exist in exactly the same spot. In case of doubt I would expect the atmosphere sphere to be larger than the cloud sphere.
woops forgot to add image just did.