Easier way to manage Blender scripts - Script Port

Hello everyone, I made a little tool to manage Blender scripts from the viewport. If anyone is interested, I am sharing the link below.

Script Port offers user-friendly solutions for your script running needs in Blender. With this handy addon, you can easily access all of your .py scripts right from the 3D viewport panel, without the hassle of copying and pasting into Blender’s text editor.

Besides being able to choose a custom directory to load scripts from, with Script Port, you can also open any selected .py script in your default system’s editor, making it even easier to make changes and edits on the fly.


Available on Blender Market: Script Port


Nice idea, I could see this being really useful in a production setting for I/O pipeline stuff

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Many thanks! That definitely saved me a lot of time. If you recall, a few days ago I was trying to change the folder icon in this panel to a home icon :smiley:

I’ve added an alternative version where you can have scripts as individual buttons instead of having them in a list.