Easter Eggsthetic

I wanted to make something original, so I was thinking real hard: what is an object that I can put liquid in it? The idea of an egg popped into my head (probably because I eat so many eggs :smiley: ).

If you are curious how I make these, check out my videos on YouTube .
Check my Instagram for similar artworks.

Click to watch the turntable animation. :point_down:


Looks great, nice mix of 3D with 2D vector aesthetic.


I featured you on BlenderNation, have a great weekend!

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Oh wow this is really beautiful! I love the 2D shading choice!

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You’re on the featured row! :+1:

mission accomplished :+1:
and it looks really pretty too

I love the overall vector graphic style shader, well done
and also the Soap Bubble ? cracks
very well done

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This is beautiful! Gorgeous art!

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Thank you!

Thank you!
Those are cracks, but you are not the first who sees those as bubbles :smiley:

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