Easy selection for this?

Hi guys.
I have this helmet, but it’s all connected and can’t disconnect anything, plus it’s all triangles and stuff…

Is there a way so I can select that concave surface easily ? instead of manually like that…
Because I have to apply different materials to the mesh and that deep line.
thank you

select linked
Maybe you can select borders with Ctrl+LMB. Then mark them sharp. Then hover over and press L to select this part. But you need to change selection mode to “Sharp” in left corner.

Nope, doesn’t work, when I go to face mode, and press l, it will select the whole thing, even if I chose sharp in the left corner…

Never mind, it did work, but it’s really tediuos still…

Is Ctrl-click to extend the selection broken?
And the triangles to quads too?

I did quadrangulate the mesh, yes, but it’s so dense and messy, took me half an hour to select the loops, and then had to delete some parts here and there, a mess… but eventually I managed ! thank you

After the full selection, you can remove most of the trigonometry with Alt+J.
(Some may be organized in the wrong direction. :sweat_smile:)

Yes I did that, first thing

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