Easycap 2.0 driver for windows 7?

Ok, I bought this capture card called “Easycap2.0”. Its a device that plugs in through the USB port on the computer. The whole package comes with the capture card, instructions ( that tell literally nothing but a bunch of gibberish) and a disk that has the video editing software and driver. The device is compatible with Windows vista64, and it says it is compatible with Windows7 64. Well there is there problem. It works perfectly fine on my computer. I am running Windows Vista (home premium <- not sure if that matters).

Now I took it to my friends house ( He has DSL, and we play LIVE together ). I hook it up to his computer ( Its bran spankin’ new! runs windows 7, its also a laptop. Mines a desktop.) I put in the disk to install the video editing software and well… nothing happens, the autoplay doesn’t even work. So I go through the ‘My Computer’ click in the E: drive it pulls up, but for some odd reason. It takes it like 5 minutes to pull up the files on the disk. ( Even when i go through separate folders it takes ages.) Where as compared to my computer it runs the autorun, and even when i go through the computer to click on the E: drive to pull it up, It just plays the disk within no time at all.

Because it will not even install the program off the disk I went online to download a version very similar from the same company, so now i have the video editor program on his computer working. But when I plug in the USB capture card, it goes to install it. It shows an error saying that its the wrong kind (…or something like that) I start up the video editor software, and try to record whats on the T.V (the video game) and it says that I am not using the right driver.:mad: <- even though I installed ( or at least tried to earlier ). I have tried multiple times to install the driver but with no avail.

I am completely baffled by this, does anybody have any ideas? Any help would be appreciated. Thanks. -Dylan.

Just contact their tech support.

that would probly be the best solution, But i dont want to go through the hassel of calling the bloody people and have to listen to them speak. Then tell me I have to download something else. But thanks.