Eclipse for debugging python in Blender

I read through Witold Jarwoski’s excellent e-book on setting up Blender with Eclipse, but I am running into problems.

Has anyone had any success in setting this up lately?

i didn’t set it up recently
but i’m using that method every day with daily updated svn builds

Oh, brilliant.

Is there the slightest smidgen of a chance of you providing me with a Blender file and a "hallo world "script and whatever info you might have regarding your setup that I can try this for myself?

I’m finding the whole process rather frustrating, as there appears to be gaps in the information.

Essentially, I managed to get Eclipse installed, the PyDev debug server listening, and launched Blender from Eclipse and got the console output displayed i Eclipse. However, despite setting a breakpoint in Eclipse, nothing happens. I am very mystified by all this.

if i were you
i would start from scratch again following the pdf
, you probably missed something somewhere

do you have and in blender bin folder ?
you have that pypredef stuff in doc folder ?

this is my

SCRIPT = “/home/your_foo_path/”

this file contains the python code you want to run

#path to your org.python.pydev.debug* folder (it may have different version number, in your configuration):

BLENDER_BUILD_BIN = ‘/home/your_path_to_blender/build/bin’

import sys
if BLENDER_BUILD_BIN not in sys.path:

import pydev_debug as pydev

pydev.debug(SCRIPT, PYDEVD_PATH, trace = True)


i’m on ubuntu by the way
so things might be a little different on other os

so start the debug server in eclipse
load that file in your blender text editor
and click ‘run script’

Gonna give this a whirl. Thanks for this.

You can also use Microsoft Visual Studio Express (free) for Python coding.
I have tried that and its working.


Are your pypredef files up to date? My script to generate the predef files has stopped working sometime around blender 2.6ish. Thought maybe it was the python 3.2 -> 3.3 switch but that hasn’t seemed to affect it. If you like, would you like to join this github repo?


i don’t really pay much attention to those pypredef files to be honest
( they are not that crucial for the whole functioning, they are responsible for auto-completion etcera )
the only thing that has to be maintained is that which creates those pypredef files

What a frustrating process. Anyway, with all your help and some pixie dust it all works now.

Many thanks for all your invaluable assistance.