Edge Bevel Decals


Is there a way to do it: mesh decals (decal on the edges of the meshes) as in the image below?

thank you very much


Several approaches, depending on how you want to do it.

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Thank you for your help

actually I want to do this by procedural textures on the material, in the normal or displacement channel.

like this plugin from unreal engine :

thank you again

does anyone know how to do this?


It does not appear to be supported by default. (See Link)


It’s a different video.

You may try insetting and rectifying your UVs ( maybe by th euse of (TexTools ) ) and then

Or paint inside/outside UV island b/w and use an erode/dilate filter (also availabe in Blender using the compositor… )

does anyone know how to make these holes in the mesh only with the material in blender?
follow the link with example:
