Edges visibility using modifiers in edit mode


How can I enable all edges visibility when using modifiers.
Here for example, in edit mode I can only see the edges that were used to create cylinder by “screw modifier”. I would like to see all the edges when I try to edit.

Welcome to BA :slight_smile: you actually are seeing all the edges that currently exist, the screw modifier is non-destructive so new geometry is not created until you apply it

Thank you Joseph.
I’m bit confused then. I understand non destructive modelling concept, but I should be able to see all the edges that modifier creates, even before applying it.
Here is the screenshot from the tutorial I try to follow. His modifier is still “life” and he can see the edges when editing the mesh.

I think this is what you are looking for,

Unfortunately not. If you look at my first post, I have it on.

Ok, sorry, I wasn’t paying attention.

Your tutorial has some kind of add-on or extended functionality- again, the edges you want to see don’t exist at this point:

You can see this by turning on the Developer Indices- there’s only one edge

I don’t know if this is some kind of bug in ver. 3.4.1, but what I did, is I get Blender version 3.1.2 (exact the same as the one that was used in tutorial) and turn on wireframe/opacity on under geometry in viewport overlays tab (like a59303 suggested) and the edges are visible without any add-ons.
Again, I don’t know if this is bug or this is how it should be now, but going back and forth between edit mode and object mode to see the changes I do when I edit the mash using modifiers, makes modeling harder and it makes no sens.

I will stick to the version 3.1.2 for now.

Well, it appears your not the only one.


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It works just as it should in 3.4.1…at least it does here…

Just a screw modifier, Not Applied…and in the Overlays, the wire-frame turned on…
In Solid View…

You are not in edit mode in your example, object mode works just fine.

Made a quick test, have that difference between 3.12 and 3.5 aswell.


I think at this point this can be considered a bug, it’s easily reproducible and there’s no apparent reason for the change

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