Edit cylinder?

Hi… looking to switch over from Maya. I’ve added a cylinder to my scene. I can not find the attributes to update the cap, sides, etc. Where is this? In Maya, I just update the attributes.


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After you insert a mesh, a window or at least a window header (with a small triangle icon to open it) should apear in the bottom left corner. Or you can press F9 to open a flying window. This is possible as long as you are not switching the mode (object/edit) or insert another mesh.

Hi tiCreativeMedia,

that does not work in Blender.
But you can retrofit it with an addon.

After installing and activating the addon you have this entry under Add Objects (Shift + A)

thanks-there are no installation instructions. How would I do that?


Hi… cancel last request. I just did a search and see how to install and this works great. I can’t believe this isn’t a part of the program… THANKS!

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