Hello ,
i had been working on big project for a month absolute copy of one house with whole wilage around it…
I tryed to find how to export 360 in blender eevee… becouse that project takes 12GB of ram not possible to make whole workaround with cycles… that would took months XD
I found out about some addon eevr or something like that but it was pretty bad like rly bad… than i tryed to find non blender software to at least stitch 6 cameras as i saw on youtube… but no luck there either… theese programs are so old propably becouse they are usles when everyone has 360 camera all ready…
So i got quiet angry and spended whole night on this workaround…
It is not normal cube 360 projection… here you can leave irradiance, ambient oclusion on or reflective staf which was a big problem when i started with this s…t. If anyone could sended it to that someone who created that eevr addon… could be fantastic use… also it is not quiet perfect has still tiny harsh spot lines… but 99% of previous normal cube projecting staf are cleared. And 100% better than that addon which makes rly mess… would be fantastic if he could implement my method…
if anyone will improve it please a lot for share to others… thanks.
For me it is now enough…
Also some one could make that double projecting cube more precise… becouse that color ramp has not enough ticks… that might is that problem which is making that tini lines in corners. (you could spot them with around 5k px input images… so any one will manage to clean that please share but do not spend to much time on it… it is not rly visible for normal usage).
Wait! You managed to render in Eevee a 360° panorama no one on planete Earth… hell on the entire universe, managed to achieve that in a actually usefull way… I’ll defenitly check this one out next week as soon I have a opening! I’ll leave feedback as soon I give it a look!
It is not actualy rendered in eevee… first eevee than cycles… but eevee takes 5 mins in 5k and cycles stitching photos takes 2.5 min in 8k x 4k…
You can not actualy bend camera in eeve that is true… so it is combined but still quiet fast… i tried to make proces of transfaring photos as easy ass possible becouse now i will rendered like 20 360 photos that means 120 images… will be long night today too…
In that blend file I said that it is better to render in stereoscopy… with all 6 cameras set up… but takes in my scene 22 minits… and when i render one that takes 1.5 minute… so way more efective if your scene takes this much time to render… sadly… becouse with this method it is a bit anoying to render it one by one…
It is actualy not rly good … i found mistake… working on upgrade… (but allready rendered 144 renders 14k x 7k px) :((( sadly project needed to be finished so it is what it is…
(the gradient joins are a bit moved and that makes them blury )
mistake on my side will repair that as soon as i will have some time for it
Hi kinimod,
This seems like a perfect way to create new HDRI of our own scene.
Or am I missing something …
I could not figure out how to use this “Exporting Camera”. Is it just for one to rotate it around to appreciate the 360 degree environment? or is something more than this … like creating HDRI (but how? with this camera) or 360% video … with each of the 6 other cameras taking video and then put into 1 of the 2 boxes.
Actually why 2 boxes,?? inside and outside gradient where they both appears to have the same set of images but different sizes (gradient?).
gradient on both boxes is diferent… and it is becouse corners… now i trying to improve it mabie i will need to add 3. box… corners are tricky mate…
exporting camera do not rotate just export what you imported…
that is why it is called exporting camera… it just stitch your 6 eevee renders from diferent blend file
now i have better version but it is not finished still problems with corners… now they are a bit transparent it is not visible normaly but when all planes are black and world white than i can see it and need to fix it…
give me a bit and i will record tutorial after i fix it… (another night without sleep :// ) i fixed that blur but i found 2 more mistakes
here is current version… where i am allready using image sequence… to render everything at once
Just that I can’t understand how to “render” a stitched of 6 images with this exporting camera. Perhaps running a script … anyway will wait.
Also note this latest “fixed” version you shared miss out the 6 cameras and others but is ok, wait for your final version to see what can be rendered.
So here it is final version from my side… whole night and day lost by this thing stuck in my mind - that it must be possible to celan all corners… did not success but did best what i could…
When you going to count how many pixcels you ned cycles stitching uses 3/5 other parts of image goes to gradient.
so if you renderer 6 images from all sides in eevee with resolution 5k than stitching .blend file will truly used only 3/5 so only 3k and that 360 image is 4 pictures wide so you can do 3 000*4=12000 and that will be your width of 360 export height is always half that so 6k in this scenario. cca