EEVEE Development updates ( EEVEE-Next )

Does anyone have an AMD card? I swear I can’t recall one time in the last 5 years that I’ve seen someone mention that their screenshot came from an AMD card.

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Darn. Well I guess everything is just not done being implemented yet.

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Light linking has been on the back burner for over 10 years lol


here is a script for blender setup to bake vats to use in unreal

so this is 1/2 the pipe - we need to make the other half the pipe as a node group

Quite concerning… :neutral_face:

I was able to use my decal math to do textures for area lamps.

I render the frag 2x (diffuse shader to rgb) to get at lamp shadow in the fragment


Is there a way to enhance the ambient occlusion? To make it stronger without going through passes?

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one way to do so is either within the material shader nodes or the composition nodes, is to ‘tweak’ the AO levels. remapping, float curves, color ramps, or just plain ol’ math nodes can all manipulate the AO levels.


Always has been

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Of course. I use it extensively in my scene I just forgot. I haven’t used Blender for a while so it slipped my mind. The one thing I noticed is that you have to have a different workflow with eevee next compared to regular eevee.


There is nothing in light source objects panel. Only emission textures for now? Can’t find any info about it

The Eevee Next version is practically indistinguishable from a real Aardman animation scene with that extra shadowing. It has the potential to become another major step forward in the BF’s quest to Put the Fun back into 3D, especially when combined with the Dyntopo work.

I think that regular Eevee could do claymation style work but the ray tracing for bouncing light puts it in an another level. It really helps to sell the “realistic” look when the color bleeds automatically to other objects. Small things like that really pushes it forward.

Do I understand correctly from todays meetings report that changing the blend mode of each transparent EEVEE material in Viewport Display is a thing of the past?

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There is blended or hashed (dithered) option. But it just enables it automatically.



OMG, finally. This is a great quality-of-life UI feature that is gonna save me so much time.


Test render with latest build. I still cant render 4k for some reason. I rendered fullHD and upscaled to 4k and exposure fix in photoshop. It’s getting closer and better.

Render took 18s on rtx3060.


I do hope 1-bit alpha (Alpha Clip) is still possible too, for a sharp edge without depth-sorting issues (Alpha Blend) or noise (Alpha Hashed). But otherwise: Another papercut eliminated! No more ‘why isn’t my transparency working on this one material?’ questions.


really really not bad!!!
considering that it’s EEVEE, I think it’s really good.
Could you make also a Cycles version? just for best comparing…

It is possible. Dithered(hashed) alpha is just 1bit alpha that is… dithered. And with MSAA/temporal data You get smooth transition.

Side note

In Unreal and Unity You have to add dither node, but in eevee it is applied with dither option:


So If You wanna have sharp transiotion just sharpen/cutoff transition and i think it should work the same as old cutoff.