I’m a Cycles junkie and I love my backlit hair
I’m trying to get something “pretty close” in Eevee, as a personal challenge. I’ve managed to get this with a combination of 2 glossy shaders, different combinations of fresnel, and a subsurface:
Aside from some color tweaks, there’s 2 problems left:
Is there any way to make screen space refraction behave better in backlit areas like this?
Cycles has really nice backlit strands. Areas with few hair strands get a lot of translucency light from the backlight.
Is there any way to do this with Eevee? I feel like I might be out of luck because it depends on the thickness of the hair, which isn’t (AFAIK) possible to get from screen space effects in Eevee.
My lighting setup includes an irradiance volume around the model, 3 reflection cubemaps around the model, a powerful area backlight, an area key light, and the rest is filled in with world lighting.
Eevee isn’t my native renderer so I have a lot to learn here.