Eevee-like Bloom using Compositor

I really like Eevee’s bloom, however, since I’m rendering everything to it’s own layer for compositing, I can’t use it. I’ve never much cared for the bloom/glow achievable using the Glare node and my attempts to recreate the Eevee bloom have been disappointing.

Has anyone managed to make a nice bloom using the compositor?

Nice is relative, but what Eevee does what compositor glare doesn’t is affecting way larger distances. Adding a heavily blurred version of the highlights looks promising to me:

Eevee bloom:

Compositor glare:

Above setup examples:

Thank you for replying. Yes, ‘nice’ is relative, but I was hoping someone had come up with a technique to add bloom they liked… which you did! That looks much closer to what I was attempting to achieve.

Hi Matt, the proper way to add glare to a layer is with the add node using the fog glow option and the mix value in the glare node should be 1 to isolate the glow.
Then adding this result to the image and controling the size and intensity of the glow tweaking those values in the glare node.

Let me know if that’s working for you.

Thank you for your reply. I find the Glare node on its own inadequate because the falloff is too shallow. Omgold’s solution gives a bit more control than the Glare node alone. I tweaked Omgold’s node system a bit and it’s pretty close to what I’m looking for.