I thought I enabled all the shadows on my sun and in the render settings but there still are no shadows being cast from my sun onto the ground. There should be shadows in the grass, from the rocks etc. Any ideas what setting(s) I am missing as this looks terrible as is.
It looks like you didn’t turn on the rendered preview. But if this a render (not a screenshot) it must be something else.
What kind of lights you use? HDRI is not casting shadows in EEVEE. So try with light (big area lights, strong and a bit further away).
To get the best results:
Add the probes: reflection cubemap and irradiance volume.
Enclose the scene in a cube and place the lights inside that cube. So there the light will bounce. Otherwise it is as if you are in dark space with some lights.
Play with shadows settings for the lights.
but try first to turn off environment light and use lights. (preferably not sunlight).
It would be best if you share the .blend file here.
If you do not want to share the scene, you share a screenshot of your Sun lamp settings (all items deployed), and also a screenshot of Shadows settings in the Render tab.
Also World tab settings.