Eevee render getting slow?

Why is the eevee render getting so slow.
I have tried this liquid look on a low poly can and as soon as the boolean is added things getting very slow. I have 4 core cpu and rtx3060 gpu.
jerryCan_2.blend (1.2 MB)

The image is Cycles, not EEVE. The attached file is Cycles.
However, both EEVE/Cycles in the attached file work well without any problems.

Please measure and reinstall the graphics driver. :thinking:

ā€» If you have doubts about the performance of your graphics card, reinstalling the graphics driver is the first thing to try.

O sorry i did not noticed that.
I am working on Linux Mint with the graphic nvidia driver. I though the boolean modifier was slowing down the gui. But anyhow thanks.

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