EEVEE render is causing normal artifacts on a smooth surface

Well basically i get these square shaped artifacts that look like a broken/split normals something like that on a completely smooth surface with no normal issues which can be seen on a second picture with material preview mode.

Artifacts do appear in cycles render too, but way less noticeable

It is quite obvious in the material preview also…View that in solid view with a Matcap…

That looks like it could be that the planes were joined in edit mode but the duplicate intersection wasn’t merged… It could also be a problem of duplicate geometry with a mirror modifier…

Show us the wireframe and not a textured view…A solid view with an wireframe active is a good choice.

Here’s bunch of solid view screenshots, looks pretty clear to me, i just made the final render with a camera a bit lower and played with the lights to not hit the problematic part of the mesh, i think im good.

Thanks for your time anyway

If you remove the material from the object, does the glitch still appear? If it doesn’t, it could be caused by something in the material.