EEVEE Screen space reflections removed in 3.0.1?

Every advice everywhere says “turn of screen space reflections” in render properties. Done, does not work.

Material on the plane is a Prince BDSF with metallic 1 and roughness 0.
Object is just black in the render.

Scene looks like this (selected objedt should be the reflective object)…

Plane material looks like this:

Do you have an HDRI setup?

Have you applied Scale?

I believe you have it reversed…you need to turn ON screen space reflections to work in EeVee…else objects will not reflect in zero roughness or Metallics…


For your example, if you want screen space refraction to work you need to change the Blend Node to Alpha Hashed, as refraction does not work on Opaque Materials, and best to add thickness to the plane either extrude or add a Solidify Modifier…
Make sure that only one of the Screen Space Refraction selections is turned on…or they will cancel themselves out ( Not sure if that changed as I remember it was supposed to be turned on under screenspace reflections in older versions…but maybe remembering wrong now)

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