Why can I not see the eyes material in cyles or eevee
This is somekind of weird question because i can see the eye (iris etc.) .
Well… maybe because we do not know what reflecting object/material/whatever you have there ?
On the left you are using material preview and on the left rendered… since the look of it i assume the first is cycles and the second eevee…
…and i clearly can see the eye there…
So i guess you have an eye liquid object and not have set the transparency settings correctly via: Material → Surface → Settings Blend Mode : not Opaque…
Cycles doesn’t need this…
…or something else about the refectivity of the material (metalic, specular, roughness) which may be different between Cycles and Eevee…
Actually the left side is material look and the right is rendered view
The first is cylces the second is eevee
Anyhow how to set the blend mode settings
I cannot get it right
Your “transparent” eye material is set to Material → Settings → Blend Mode: Opaque
You have the screen space refecltion disabled (and no environment texture at all).
…and you use an emmission shader a input to the volume…
(I have hidden some part of this eye fluid model here using eevee )
Do you listen when you ask people something… ??
The alpha hashed on it’s on doesn’t fix it.
Okay… there is no texture so it is not needed… but it is (was) a strange setup… so i didn’t spent my time on ever little detail … and there was something mentione aboput aproper glass shader…
I didn’t expect to not use Transparent BSDF until I saw the file.
Sorry for the delay.
Thanks for answering my question.
I will test it now.