This thread has been started due to Clement beginning his Eevee development plans for 2.81 and beyond. Nothing has been committed yet, but Cycles has a thread on general development so…
To note, all of this won’t be 2.81, as developing all of these will take a substantial amount of time unless other devs. step up to help. This thread will be updated when commits containing features go in.
who does everthing right in terms of PCF shadows. Is the best productive and stable solution i ever used. Lots to learn and nice to play around with.
Also hope the irradiance probes and reflection probes get exposed to python api. Would be cool allowing to export these to e.g Unity.
Little tired to calculate non working ones there.
up to the point this advanced stuff is finished…
I really like the LightMap generation addon
It calculates the LightMap with Cycles and for static geometry it is working really great in EEVEE.
The biggest benefit it can easily exported to other Engines.
Vulkan port is another Ultra Marathon to prepare and run.)
The activities above levels EEVEE with latest PBR rendering tech.
The absolut hard work transforming the PBR branch to EEVEE is done.
Must be fun now to extend this great base further.
For the “Better Shadow system” Clement has put a link in it to this article.
Looks pretty good but in the article they are talking about a defered system so it’s a bit unclear how it will work with forward rendering.
I know ChriseyBoy007,
but over the years with Blender, I kept hearing that’s not possible, and this one does not work, and then someone came up with a brilliant idea and got it working.
Hope dies last.
It probably won’t be ‘free’ as far as processing time goes, but it will really boost Eevee’s ability to use procedurals and general greyscale textures in production scenes and animation.