Might still get some node tree work, but the first shot of our animation is finito! :eek::eek:
Here is a still, the very first frame. Lets just say…the director is pleased.
What do you think?
Edit: Whoah! Major overhaul! We had a meeting and decided to follow Durian’s lead and commit to 4K resolution…I must say I am worried about it. I guess it will just mean more compositing. Well here is the updated version (2nd pic) after all the changes.
This type of project depends on the overall style: If you are looking more or less realism, a certain range of colors, etc… So, without knowing more about your project, the aesthetic is very appealing. As pointed earlier, only a few details about the geometry, some bump in the petals of the flower may help improve the image (the stone with moss is very beautiful) :yes:
Thank you very much! We are working night and day on this project, and your kind words+critiques are very encouraging! I was wrong to say this shot is finished, the very next day after posting this the director changed it!
@ freemind More geometry on it’s way…since we are redoing the shot I can add it now.
@ sornen thank you, I ove the flower, we are reworking the lighting, more shadows and caustic reflections from the pond (off-camera).
@ angelsan we are going for a mix of styles, a semi realistic environment with a fantasy, too perfect feelng (vibrant colors, beautiful scenery), and less realistic cartoonish characters. I have seen this style used many times to good results.
Again thank you, we will keep posting our progress, and relying on your wonderful feedback!
P.S. here is the bee that is now going to land on the flower, as he is a background character (what we call an environment character) he is pushed more towards realistic, but again with vibrant colors.
Looks good! Are those water drops? I know it is the first frame but shouldn’t they have more of a run off or drip? It seems as though you are achieving the style you are wanting, semi-realism/fantasy. Care to post a screenshot of the post process effects? Good luck with the rest of it!
Thanks Perpetual. Yes they are drops. You will be happy to hear that when the bee takes off from his perch the water droplets all drip off, with faint trails. Which is why we only have a few.
Hand animating water = Slow and painstaking.
Controlling fluid sims to do what you want= Nightmare!
The node setup is just a basic one for color correction and DOF. If you look you can see I had a glow setup on the flower, but ditched it in the end. ( I always try to add glow, it’s an obsession I tell you)
The look of this shot is coming mostly from the materials and lighting. No postpro outside of blender.