Elefant WIP

Modelled in Blender, baked and textured in Substance 3D painter.
Previsualization with basic textures, the idea is to make a sort of a diorama in Blender with some ruins and other additions.


Wow! look forward to seeing where this goes!

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Thanks !!!

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Looks dope!
Is texturing complete?

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Many thanks!!!

No, that was a test only to see if it looked good enough, have to change a couple of things and work on the final textures and decals.

Got it! Looking forward!

Crisp clean modelling and textures are coming along really well too.
I look forward to seeing the final result.

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Many thanks!!!

Very clean model and dirty texturing. nice work

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Any updates @Gaz?

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Many thanks!!!

Sure, the textures for the Elefant are done, I may publish something tomorrow about that update.

Anyway, I have to figure out how I want to do the diorama, and that is going to take “a bit” of time.