Elijah Baley

Hey Forum!

Haven’t posted anything for a while now.
Just finished this character. He’s a piece for my portfolio.
He’s name is Elijah Baley, one of the main characters from the Robots and Empire novels by Isaac Asimov.

Rendered with Cycles.
Huge thanks for Alex Alyabev for his Cycles Skin node.

You can check highres and wireframe on my ArtStation.

C&C welcome :slight_smile:

Great model and reder but for me this skin shader is too “flat”. Need more specular/reflect.

Great model and presentation, nice outfit, the “only” thing for me is the face, it looks unfinished, some anatomy goodness is needed and some proportion corrections, like the placement of the ears, but hey! I can’t do mostly anything that you can…
Great work!

Thank you guys. :slight_smile: The skin surely needs some reflections from the front, now that you mention it.
As for the face, I was aiming for stylized realism, hence the large nose and hard wrinkles. I think the ears look off because of the perspective. I should have adjusted the lens better. Some polish wouldn’t hurt though. I’m not really happy with the eyes yet, but I had to move on.
I’ll probably revisit him a little bit once I’m done with the next one.