Portrait of Elon Musk ready for rigging. Textures are 4K. They are PBR and created with game engine performance in mind. Rendered in Cycles, blender version 2.79b. Render resolution 3000x2500, 200 samples.
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You got the look of him correct, even the hair
But the skin is not skinlike, shading looks to simple for skin. The skin texture looks weird too.
Still, it looks like Elon Musk so that’s spot on.
I agree with bigblend. He’s immediately recognizable but still needs quite some work in my opinion.
The concerns I have:
- the materials are not PBR. You should use the Principled BSDF
- his ears are too smooth. The ear helix is barely existent
- his eyes have many issues (eyeballs not spherical, iris not flattened, no cornea, rough reflections)
- the SSS intensity (or distance) is wrongly distributed. Some parts like the eyelids and lips don’t have any and the ears have too much. You should also try the new Random Walk SSS in 2.8 as it produces better results on skin.
- why not finish the nose holes?
- why not use hair for the eyebrows? It’s not much longer to make than painting them
Good luck in your future work