Elven Warrior [Updated]

Looks pretty good! I love the materials. Personally I think the ears are a bit large in relation to the head…

Yeah I know the ears are abit out of proportion, the original refs that i went off were my own sketchs. I think they look a little funny at mo because he is bald, once i get the hair done they shouldnt look too bad. Im happy with the size though. Right; progress. Ive done the jerkin and the chainmail, next is to be the armour. As your suggestion James_Ross I have redone my lighting rig. As always, crits are very welcome.


Armour and hair is now done. All crits/opinions/suggestions are welcomed, concerning anything. I am unsure on hair colour, i think that it looks better with blonde but there is no contrast with the armour, hmm.


Any opinions at all?

great, silver hair would look good

The lighting totally does justice to your model and textures now :smiley:

The armour looks particulary impressive, nice detail with the specularity and I really like the cental emblem. However it does look kinda overly clean/perfect, as if its never been worn before. Maybe an extra texture layer with some subtle wear or grime, it would help break up the symmetry abit as well.

You could also look into blending the hair particles into the mesh surface abit smoother as well, it would help make the hairline less sharp and defined. As far as colour goes I’m not sure, depends on what kinda elf you’re going for I guess!

Looking good :slight_smile:

you got the european 4-1 wrong… its lacing in wrong axis.

Hello! I hope you’re having a great day! I know that this has been going on for a while, but I feel that the nose is just a bit too thin. The lips seem so small, which is fine, but it doesn’t seem to add up to the cheecks. The chin should be fuller, imho.

Now, you’ve really got some awesome details but the colors…imho, not so much. The black hair makes it better but frankly, the color combination makes the character seem…washed out. If you turn up the saturaion on the color for the armor and adjust the hue, it will look better. Try different colors for the background to compliment the model.

The details are great, but I suggest giving the armor more or an orage hue to compliment the emblem. The eyes might also be a bit better if they were more blue, to also compliment the orange.

Overall, though, I do thing this is great. :slight_smile:

This model is just begging to have a low poly version :evilgrin: then again… I guess I think that about lots of the models on here… anyways it looks great! It would be awesome to see that guy running around in a game though :slight_smile:

looks good. although its probably abit far in now to do, but u could round of the face a little more and only have piercings in one ear

For anyone that is interested, this project isn’t dead, but I’ve put it on hold again now that I am back at University. I’ll be able to come back and work on it again around Easter time. My aim for finishing is to get the hair right, and the colouration on the armour as suggested. I may go back and tweak the actual model as celestialberry and kidramez have suggested, although I did already apply the subsurf so that may be a fair bit of tweaking, I’ll see how I feel when it comes to it.Basically the whole thing is just down to tweaking now, but with long-ish render times (about 30-45 mins) it takes over my computer. @Bl33d, did I? Ah dammit I didnt notice that. :ba: I linked the whole thing by hand, manually duplicating and rotating each link so it would be MEGA work to re-do it.
Anywho, hope to finish it over Easter, if anyone has any other crits on anything, please post and let me know. Until then!


its amazing!! coo!!


Just a small crit: Elves have no eardrums? by putting the ears so low in the skull, that guy will hear anything he eats, as his eardrums will be in his lower jaw.

His ears are at the right spot on his head, just the same as humans.

With the hair it looks OK, but the bald one looks weird to me. Could be the angle of the pose thaugh.

Oh and happy blendering on Easter, do you think you’ll give 2.5 a try? or keep away from it until it’s in Beta? :slight_smile:

Hey guys I’ve finally had chance to come back to this now that the semester has finished. So, updates. Firstly, I went back and completely re-did the hair, because i really didnt like that style. However, no matter how much tweaking with settings I did I couldn’t get a good blend on the hairline, so I decided just to put a helmet on him. Ive also made small changes as suggested by celestiaberry, thanks alot. The armour has been tweaked and ive also added a new layer of texture on both the armour and helmet which is some rust and dirt etc. I’ve also tweaked the actual model with a basic sculpt, I’ve learnt Im really not very good at sculpting, so its nothing massive just a few tweaks of the overall shape of the face with a few extra creases around the eyes and nose. @hoxolotl the ears are in the right place, ive just extended the end of them quite abit, and Im sticking with .49 for the moment. I think I’m quite close to finishing this now, although I am thinking of modelling a pair of swords to go on his back. As always any crits would be greatly appreciated.


That looks good! I really like it.

That helmet makes him look much better. Now add some white/silver feathers in his hat. Then start working on his legs/sash.

That’s looking like some good clean modeling, I think you might need to widen the chin a little, it looks very pointy in your last two shots. Also in the first one, the ears look very… mechanical. I think you might need to pull them out so they stick out of the head a bit more. Otherwise I think it’s looking great.

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