Elven Warrior [Updated]

This is the head for my Elven Warrior, any and all crits are welcome. Be as harsh as you like, i can take it :slight_smile:

I am unsure whether to complete the whole body or to simply do a high quality bust. On my to-do list at the moment is to finish tweeking the model and edgeloops, based off of any crits I get, do a basic sculpt (will be my first proper sculpt attempt) probably on and around the eyes and the ears. I plan to cut in and make several holes in the ears for various piercings, maybe a few on the nose and around the face too. I dont want to think about texturing, although i am planning a full UV unwrap and venturing into my first decent attempt at a head UV Map. If anyone knows where to get high quality head pictures I would appreciate it, but not 3d.sk because i am running low on the ol’ money at the moment.

Crits would be appreciated on:

  • The main topology and edgeloops
  • The Ears and the detail inside them
  • Anything else you find lacking or needs improvement

Thanks All



Nice head :slight_smile:
The sculpting looks fine but there are some areas which look a bit awkward.
You may want to pull the chin in a bit towards the neck and tweak the forehead so it curves more naturally towards the back of the head. Also putting a bit of definition along the jawline to separate the chin from the lower lip would look nicer imo. You also might want to look at the back of the head and adjust it in relation to the neck. Otherwise nice work :slight_smile:
and the ears look great

That’s looking like some good clean modeling, I think you might need to widen the chin a little, it looks very pointy in your last two shots. Also in the first one, the ears look very… mechanical. I think you might need to pull them out so they stick out of the head a bit more. Otherwise I think it’s looking great. If you were going to do a bust then I guess it’d depend on what you were aiming for. All the Greek and Roman busts I’ve seen have been relatively emotionless as far as expression goes, but if you were going to make one then who says you can’t give your Elf some emotion? It’d be great if you put it through something like ZBrush or Mudbox and added lots of little details, wrinkles or any hint that it’s skin or marble or whatever you’re going for.

hey, really nice topology, it looks really animateable. Actually you might have a five-pole (a toplogical structure where 5 edges meet, resulting in a star instead of a grid cross) really closs to the lip, and that might give you some trouble, but really clean, open stuff besides that, ncie job.

That said all your facial features were a bit too narrow. Human faces don’t often have mouths that small, and if they do it’s usually in a really different shape of face than a long one like you had, there, so I tried to stretch everything out and bulk up the features a little. The nose needed widening too, although the nose might be a bit too wide for your taste, now, so feel free it thin it back out (although not too much, and try to keep the nostrils visible in the face) similarly, I spaced the eyes out a little, although when I ended up done, the shape of the eyes looked a little Blizzard Entertainment, so if that bugs you, feel free to flatten the top outside of the eyes, and shrink them a tiny bit, to bring them back down to the real world.


Hey guys thanks for all the replies, and crits. Ive been tweeking this for the last 2 days, trying to get the features right. Ive made the adjustments you all sugested, and i see what you mean about it all being too narrow. After comparing it with a couple more reference images (the refs i was using were my own sketches) ive moved all them out and fattened them up. Thank ZombieJohn for doing that, helped alot, especially on the ears, as i noticed that they were way too far back, cheers. Other changes now include the ear-rings and completion of the neck. Ive decided that Im going to go all out and turn this into a full character project. So my full workflow is going to be:

  • Finish Modelling the whole body
  • Do a sculpt to get the smaller features, creases, wrinkles etc
  • Unwrap
  • UV Map
  • Model the clothes, armour, weapon etc + Texture
  • Rig
  • Pose
  • Complete final scene

Its alot of work, so im hoping to have it finished by end of September when I head off for University. Unless theres any other major imperfections anyone can see im going to now start on the chest area and start the main body. As always crits are welcomed on any aspect.




Been working on the body, i am not happy about the abdominal muscles, but cant get a decent topographical look for them. As usual, any crits or advice is much appreciated.




something about the abs dont look right

I agree. They’re alright as a stylized representation, but if you’re going for something realistic, there’s a few things off about them. You’ve focused on representing the creases between muscles, and left the muscles themselves flat. I’d recommend instead trying to define the muscle mass, and allowing the creases to come naturally from that instead.

His pectorals also terminate a little too neatly, being shaped rather more like pillows inserted under the skin. They should instead end by tapering to a point that ends inside the armpit.


Thanks, you’re right, i was trying do work the creases. Ive redone the abdominals and tweaked the pectorials. As always C+C appreciated on anything. Cheers



more of a personal preference really but you might want to finish adding the limbs and figuring our their proportions before focusing on details like muscle definition. I find it helps lessen the chance of having a huge head or incredibly tiny hands and stumpy legs. I’m not saying your figure has these already but when you work from a Head/torso/down approach like that its a potential hazard.

Thanks for the tip redseed, although as you said, it is personal choice. For the main muscle detail I will put in during sculpting. I like to define the main muscle groups as it then stops having endless tweaking with your topography adding new loops etc and for instance, having 4/5 loops running down the leg or around the back when you really dont need that many.
There is really something about the hips that bothers me and i’m not sure what. Next will be to finish the arms, and then hands and feet, which will probably be clawed. I really want to get the model finished because I want to get onto the texturing. Ah well, patience is a virtue. As always, C+C is appreciated.



well that’s what i was getting at that if you at the very least block in the general proportions before you begin defining it you can avoid areas like the hips where it seems to be disconnected from the rest of the body and not flowing as naturally into the rest of the model and you can give all areas equal attention if necessary.
I see what you mean by extra topology but if you’ve got a solid base to begin with a lot of that can be avoided.
anyways looking good. :smiley:

I need opinions. I am having alot of trouble with the arms and hands. Really cant get them looking decent :-/ Now originally i was just going to make the head and texture it, as a project to test UV Mapping etc. Should I go back to this or push on with the rest of the body? Opinions would be greatly appreciated. Ill upload pics of the arms and hands soon.



If you meant to do a bust it might be better to do a bust, but if you want to go and do a full body. That’s fine too. XD Either way, I think you should just press on and be prepared for it not to turn out EXACTLY the way you wanted. It’s a matter of practice, after all. Your next one’ll look more like you wanted it, and probably won’t take as long to create, either. :slight_smile:

Just so everyone, or anyone who cares :p, knows this project isn’t abandonned. I am out of the country at the moment (holiday in florida to see my fiancee woo) When i return home I will be continuing with this project, but I am going to go back and do just the bust (see the images from post #4, ironic seeing as that was the post i said i would turn it into a full char, ah well) I’ll be home in about 2 weeks, until then!


ever heard of the legend of drizzt series???

I would say you should do a whole body. Don’t mean to taunt your resolution, but I think it could look really interesting. If you do want to just do a bust then why not a little nore detail? If your not going to use it in realtime or even annimation then you could surely even sudivide your poly count a few times allowing for more detail. Of course you may not want to as it may interfere with the way your doing this and thats fair enough. But I really think you could do a whole body and it would be great, if so i think make the legs a bit longer. You have a good sense of proportion, which is why i think you should do a whole body, i like it a lot but i thik you should use a bit more deail.
Keep it up.appy blending to all.

Hi. I’d put my vote in for a bust. I could see this really awesome with maybe some bad ass armour on it. Of course it is your project and your choice. The topology on the head looks really good. I am trying to wrap my head (both literally and metaphorically) around topology. Any chance of attaching the blend file to have a closer look at it?

Well, after 3 months at University I’ve finally had time to come back to this. Ive decided to go with just the bust idea, So here he is, fully UV Unwrapped and mapped, using projection painting. For anyone that is unfamiliar with it, check out Johnathan Williamson’s tutorials over on CG Cookie, invaluable tool for any character modeller. Next task is to be the armour and then hair. Ive decided to go with the design of a leather jerkin with chainmail, and then a stylised shoulder and chest plate. Right now im looking for crits of the texture work, I know about the artifacts around the neck. This is the result of differences in the skin shades between the images I used for the face and the chest. However I am not too worried about these as they will be covered by the hair in the final image. Any Crits would be welcomed. Merry Christmas everybody!


Merry Christmas to you too! I don’t think I’m really qualified to crit your texture work too much, but I’d suggest lighting the scene slightly more if you do want some good crits. As it stands it really makes the textures look a bit flat.

Doesn’t have to be a final lighting setup or anything, just some basic studio type lights would help other more knowlegeable people give better crits I think :slight_smile: