Emergency light


i’m trying to create an emergency light for an ambulance, but i can’t get the lights to work with the material.

i searched and didn’t find any tutorial about this situationist. and i’m new to cycles and trying to over come the limits, but if you can do it in blender internal? go and tell me:)

here is a shot, also attached the blend.


flasher.blend (125 KB)


If you are rendering with cycles, you can use materials with an emission shader instead of spot lights. Otherwise try rendering with blender render.

emission shader emits from all the cone object, instead i want to use the cone as reflective with a light bulb in it!, blender internal doesn’t give good transparency like cycles, any more tips i could use?

emission shader emits from all the cone object, instead i want to use the cone as reflective with a light bulb in it!, blender internal doesn’t give good transparency like cycles, any more tips i could use?


I think that cones could use a mix shader part glossy, part diffuse and bulb lights could be emission shader. Also you could trick the cones internal faces with another opaque shader.

i switched to yafaray, here is what i got:

any tips to enhance will be welcomed :slight_smile: