
Comment, which render of Emily is better :point_down:
This human portrait study was done together with Colin Behrens
We made the character in Blender, Substancepainter and Gimp with an hdr and some textures from Poliigon.com.
Modifying the scene for the black and white render took me about 4h, which is relatively short. I really noticed that there were still a lot of problems with the model we hadn’t noticed the last time :joy: - well or maybe we ignored them :sweat_smile:
This was our first attempt at creating a realistic human render, what do you think?
The entire work time was about 54h.
The image was rendered with 2000 samples for 13h.


i prefer the colored, the uncanny valley is not so deep. The inner corner of the eye is maybe too big?

Yeah, you are right. The inner corner really could be a bit smaller. And yes, I think I prefer the colored version, too. :slight_smile: